Month: January 2019

Personal vs. Professional Development. What’s the Difference?

Defining Personal and Professional Development I recently wrote about seven personal development goals. I realized the I never really defined what this means and if personal goals are any different from professional goals. If you read that article, you noticed that I divide personal development into seven different buckets: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, career […] Read more…

11 Cheap Date Night Ideas

The importance of date night Whether you’ve just started dating or you’ve been married awhile, I think date night is super important for any relationship. Even though Cody and I are married and spend most of our free time together, I still get excited for date night. There’s a distinct difference between just spending time […] Read more…

8 Bad Habits to Change Right Now

Tweaking bad habits for good We all have bad habits that need to be tweaked from time to time. As my tagline suggests, I believe it’s never too late to be your best self. I’m constantly trying to set new goals for myself, but in going through the process of goal setting, I realized I’ve […] Read more…

motivational quotes

19 Motivational Quotes to Kickoff 2019

Because 2019 will be your best year yet Every morning, I like to start off my day with a journal entry. There are four components to the entry: a motivational quote for the day, three things I’m letting go of, three things I’m grateful for and three things I will accomplish. I sort of got […] Read more…