
Stay sane on social media

6 Tips for Staying Sane on Social Media

In the age of social media Being a millenial, it’s no surprise to me that social media is such a big part of our lives. I grew up in the age of MySpace and then it was Facebook and Twitter and eventually YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat and probably a bunch of others that I don’t even […] Read more…

Practice Yoga

5 Reasons Why I Love Yoga

The beginning of my yoga practice It seems like lately, everyone has experienced yoga in some form or another– whether they’ve practiced it frequently, taken a class at a winery, yoga-ed with baby goats or popped in a DVD. In doing a little research, the internet suggests that nearly 20 million people in the U.S. […] Read more…

Disney World Travel

Back to Blogging

It’s been far too long since I posted to this blog. I’ve missed sharing my thoughts and musings with the blogosphere. It feels so good to be back to writing and connecting with all of you. So where have I been and why did I take a little hiatus? Well, I wish I had a […] Read more…

8 Ways to Make Someone Else’s Day

We all have bad days. It’s inevitable. Sometimes it’s just waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Sometimes it’s a fight with a friend or loved one. Sometimes it’s feeling overworked and underpaid. Whatever the reason, bad days happen to the best of us. But there are also times when someone else is […] Read more…

10 Ways to Make Your Day Better

Just because you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, doesn’t mean you have to stay there! It’s very easy to have a bad day. Waking up to dark clouds. Running late for work. Forgetting you have an assignment due in the afternoon. There are many things that can bring us down. But […] Read more…

Money on My Mind

I recently came to a realization that I don’t unplug from work enough. When you hit your max limit for accruing paid time off, you know something is seriously wrong with you. Take a vacation already! This realization came with another one. I’m seriously a hoarder. Not the type that you see on TV where […] Read more…

Finding Your Passion

There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. –Nelson Mandela Passion is an amazing thing.  It drives us.  It brings us joy and happiness.  And without passion life is just not as colorful.  But sometimes, finding your […] Read more…

Believing in a Dream

The biggest lesson I learned after graduating college is to always believe in myself.  Throughout my entire life, I’ve considered myself a hard-working person.  In high school, I always took high-level coursework (AP, honors, etc).  Back then, the goal was to get into a great college.  In college, the goal was to get a good […] Read more…

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