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Landscaping and Condo-living

It’s that time of year again! The weather is teasing us with bright sunny days and I hope the warmth sticks around. Although March can go either way in New Jersey, I’m already planning for spring (and summer, too!)
The last couple of years I have loved growing plants. Even though we live in a condo, I love to plant seeds to see what I can get to grow. And whatever I can’t grow from seed, I can spend hours at the garden center buying seedlings.
The past couple of years, I’ve taken a small portion of my parents’ backyard to grow vegetables, but I’ve also had some luck planting containers on my front porch and balcony. It’s been a learning experience trying to figure out what will grow best in containers with varying levels of sunlight. Nevertheless, I’ve had a blast learning about gardening along the way.
Although I love growing plants, I also love the fact that our condo includes beautiful community lawns and landscaping that we don’t have to worry about. We can enjoy the beauty without needing to put in the time and work.
One day when we own a home, I look forward to all of the ideas I have for landscaping our future property, but for now they are just dreams.

Landscaping ideas for spring
As I’ve gotten more and more into gardening, spending time at various nurseries looking at plants and doing research online, I’ve learned a lot about landscaping. When we do buy our home, here are some things I would do with our landscaping for spring:
Perennial border gardens
Perennials are plants that come back year after year. They are brilliant for home landscaping because you can buy the plants once and keep them for many years to come. You can play with different colors and textures, including flowers, shrubs, evergreens and small trees.
Stone path
I love backyards that have stone pathways leading to different parts of the yard. Even in smaller yards they look so fun, yet sophisticated. The pathway can lead to various garden beds or to a patio and it’s a nice touch to any space.
Fire pit
Who doesn’t love a good fire pit to sit around with family and friends? Whether it’s to keep warm when the weather is still cool or to keep the party going all night, fire pits are a great addition to any backyard.
Vegetable garden
Growing your own food is unlike anything else. It tastes better than the supermarket varieties because you can pick it at true ripeness exactly when you’re ready to eat. You can also control what goes into your food (such as controlling for pesticides and other chemicals). Whether you choose raised garden beds, container gardens or just using a corner of the backyard, a vegetable garden is a must!
Patio or gazebo
Having an area that’s designed for sitting and entertaining is ideal for any home. It also adds interest to your outdoor space. You can line the border with flowers or shrubs and add interest with lighting and outdoor furniture.
Arbor or pergola
Add vertical interest and create a whimsical feel by adding an arbor or pergola to your landscape. You can train vining plants such as roses, clematis or honeysuckle to grow up these structures to add color and shade to your space.
Window/railing boxes
Plant annual flowers in window boxes or on deck railing boxes to add a pop of color to your home. You can have fun with different combinations of flowers to create show-stopping displays or pick one type of plant for a more traditional look.

How to tackle home landscaping ideas
While it’s fun to dream about our future home, I know landscaping takes time, hard work and money to accomplish. Investing in landscaping is an important factor to adding to your home value.
Many of the projects listed above can be tackled as “do-it-yourself” projects if you have the time and patience. Some skills may come easily and some may be trial and error. Like I mentioned above, I’ve been interested in plants for a while now, so tackling garden beds is something I’m looking forward to.
Other projects, such as building a patio or fire pit, might be out of my wheelhouse. For projects like these, it might be helpful to call in a professional. For those of you living in the New Jersey area, a great place to start for big home landscaping projects is Onorato Landscaping LLC. This local Bergen County NJ lawn service does everything from home landscaping, design and construction services, lawn care and maintenance, hardscaping and commercial landscaping.

Final Thoughts
Spring is such a fun time of year because we get to shake off the winter blues and start to enjoy the outside again. Whether you live in a condo like us or a house, it’s a fun time to think about adding more curb appeal to your space and enjoy your outdoor living area.
Now is the time to think about adding colorful flowers to beds and containers around your home. It’s also a great time to consider adding features such as pathways, patios, fire pits or arbors.
While there are plenty of outside projects that are perfect for DIY this spring, there are also times when calling in a professional is also a fine choice. For some of us, experimenting in the backyard can be fun and exciting and for others, you may just want it to be done for you to enjoy. Either way, spring is coming and it’s time to enjoy your outdoor living space once again!
Stone paths were the things I really liked reading about from your article. Leading people towards places of interest like flower beds or patios using these paths could be a great way to have our entire yard blend seamlessly. I’ll go look for a landscaping expert in the area that can assist me with something like this for sure.