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Spring Cleaning at Home
Being stuck at home might seem miserable but it also might be the motivation you need to have your home looking like you just moved in for the first time.
That’s right- I’m talking about cleaning your home! Not just moving a few things around but deep cleaning the small surfaces. It honestly doesn’t matter if you feel you have five minutes to freshen up your space or an entire weekend (or month in our case) to spare. Give your home’s trouble spots a good refresh with a few cleaning points.
Best Tips for Spring Cleaning

Take Your Time
Right now, time is finally on your side to do a good job about cleaning your home. It’s a unique process where you don’t need to feel overwhelmed to get everything done in just a few days but can take your time to evaluate the space and see what needs to be done first. This should encourage you to tackle some of these projects that you’ve been putting off for months or maybe even years.
I would suggest a few quick things to get done right away, including sweep the walkway areas and the patio/balcony, clean your exterior windows and your patio furniture. Then tackle cleaning out your closets, pantry, and cupboards. Finally, make sure to change and double-check your carbon monoxide, smoke detectors, filters and furnace.
Make a To-Do List
Making a to-do list can help you get a lot of tasks done without feeling overwhelmed. Write down what you want to accomplish first. Then, spread out the tasks over the entire month instead of just a weekend.
This could mean instead of ‘kitchen clean up’ be specific about what you want to get organized. Some ideas include cleaning under the sink, order new bins for pantry, rearrange pots and pans, or just clearing out expired food in the refrigerator. Simple 20-30 minute tasks like this will make it easier to help clean your bigger spaces without seeming so intimidating.
Check Your Alarms
Right now it’s important to have the right safety systems and fire systems in your home. Tech Services of New Jersey are a great company to help and they have seen first hand how the systems that they install save lives. In a situation where time is of the essence, having a system that not only alerts you and your loved ones that something is wrong but helps to instruct them where to go is critical in ensuring that you can make it out quickly.
Be sure to get an alarm system repair in NJ if you are in the market to keep your family and yourself safe this new season! Safety should be the first thing to keep you and your family safe.
Image: Tech Services of New Jersey
A Few More Spring Cleaning Tips
Have Your Family Assist
While we’re all stuck inside, don’t put the burden of having to spring clean your home all by yourself because now you have help! Take the weekend to have everyone go into their rooms, throw out items they don’t wear, use or play with anymore and then set aside piles in your basement to donate those boxes whenever your state opens again.
Ask your family members what would make it easier for them to get ready in the morning? A lazy susan tray so they can try to find their lost hair sprays under their sink? A more sturdy clothes rack to locate clothes and hang them neater? Look together, shop online and enjoy the process of seeing something they’ve helped you work on, make their life a little bit easier!
Don’t Forget About Before & After
Again, being stuck at home may be burdensome but it can also be a small little gift that we have been needing. Our home is here to protect us so we need to take care of it. This includes not only keeping it looking it’s best but functional to you and your family’s lifestyle, schedule, and overall day to day activities. What are some ways you are going to incorporate your family members to help you spring clean their rooms or your home over the next few weeks?
Final Thoughts
What are some things you can do to help clean your home? Personally, spring is one of my favorite times to get the cobwebs in the corners, open all the windows and let in the fresh air of blooms, air and sweetness.